Se está a planear uma construção ou remodelação é importante que encontre o arquiteto certo para o trabalho. Neste guia, vai aprender sobre os diferentes tipos de arquitetos e as suas especialidade, para que possa escolher o professional mais adequado ao seu projeto.
Interior Architect
The interior architect is responsible for designing and planning interior spaces, such as homes, offices, shops and restaurants. This type of architect works with the selection of materials, colours, lighting and furniture in order to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment. Likewise, they may also be responsible for managing the execution of the project, working together with other professionals such as engineers and contractors. If you want to transform the interior of your home or office, this is the right choice for you.
Landscape Architect
É responsável por projetar e planear espaços externos, como jardins, parques e áreas de lazer. Trabalham com a seleção de plantas, materiais, iluminação e mobiliário externo para criar um ambiente prático e esteticamente agradável. Nesse sentido, também pode ser responsável por coordenar a execução do projeto, trabalhando em conjunto com outros profissionais, como engenheiros e empreiteiros. Se está à procura de transformar o exterior da sua casa ou empresa, esta é a escolha certa.
Urban Architect
O arquiteto urbanista é responsável por projetar e idealizar espaços urbanos, como ruas, praças, parques, mas também edifícios públicos. Este tipo de arquitetos trabalha com a infraestrutura da cidade, incluindo transporte, saneamento básico e energia, para criar um ambiente urbano funcional e esteticamente agradável.
Building Architect
The building architect is responsible for designing and creating buildings, such as houses, commercial and industrial buildings. They work closely with clients to understand their needs and wants, and create a design that meets those demands. The building architect is also responsible for ensuring that the project meets all building codes and regulations, as well as working with other professionals, such as engineers and contractors, to ensure that the project is executed successfully.
Restoration and Conservation Architect
The restoration and conservation architect specialises in preserving and restoring historic buildings and cultural heritage sites. They work to ensure that these structures retain their original form while still meeting modern needs. This can include restoring facades, roofs, interiors as well as the basic structure of the building.
If you need to contact SomaFuture's team of architects, with SomaFutureu can do do it via e-mail [email protected] or by calling (+351) 211 372 830 .